Pop local - Local crafts

G-PASS Chrono 24HG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365JShopping and restaurants

10% off your basket with the G-PASS !
Pop Local is a local shop that creates links and encourages exchanges, offering the people of Grenoble a local alternative to the products of the big retail chains!

G-PASS offer: 

  • 10% discount on in-store purchases

Opening hours
  • Tuesday - Saturday: 10am to 7pm
  • Sunday - Monday: Closed 


POP LOCAL believes in local commerce that creates links and encourages exchanges. It offers the people of Grenoble a local alternative to the products of the big chains, by showcasing the expertise of its region. His concept store offers a wide selection of products made as close to Grenoble as possible. His creations are all handmade in the region, and are one-offs or mini-series offered at fair, accessible prices.

Transports en commun

Ligne B - Ligne D. 
Arret : Saint Claire -  Les halles

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