Okko Hotel Grenoble / JDS Production

Jeu de Société Production designs and produces made-to-measure theatrical performances for companies and organisations. Would you like to add rhythm and originality to an event? Do you want to make it exceptional and leave a lasting impression on the audience? Are you working on a theme and looking for a fresh, outside perspective? Do you want to bind your teams together and create a bond? Jeu de Société Production puts dynamism, creativity and humour at the service of your company's development!

JDS production - Improvisation theatre

LeisureG-PASS Chrono 24HG-PASS Montagne 72HG-PASS PIONNIER 365J

Enjoy an evening rich in emotion at the OKKO Hotel with the company JDS Production. Find out more about the various services in the events section or by clicking on "the offer with the G-PASS"

G-PASS offer :

  • Admission at €10 instead of €15
  • Discount code included in the G-PASS purchase validation email received
Public price
Prix public : €15.00
Price with the G-PASS
Prix public : €10.00
Improvisational theatre

From 18 Dec 2024 to 20 Jul 2025


Every 3rd Thursday of the month, enjoy an improv theatre show.
A little drink at the end of the day, a board to share or a nice little dinner... And a duo of talented comedians for an hour of bluffing laughter!

OKKO Hôtels Grenoble Hoche 23 Rue Hoche
38000 Grenoble


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